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Luncheon: Respecting our Foreign-Born Workforce

March 11th from 11:30-1:30 PM
2520 Camino Entrada, Suite B
Santa Fe, NM 87506

March 11, 2025 – 11:30-1:30PM


Luncheon on Employer RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES to your foreign-born employees, sub-contractors & job-sites.

Our National Association of Home Builders strongly encourages members to work with local counsel to establish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) compliance protocols that suit our unique needs.

We’ve engaged with a Local Immigration Law Attorney and Somos Un Pueblo Unido to hold this luncheon to provide crucial information on:  Staff Training / Policy, I-9 audits, Home Land Security – Notice of Inspections (NOI) & Process, ICE raids, Compliance, Violations, Fines, Penalties.

Click BELOW for INFO Resources from the National Association of Homes Builders and the National Immigration Law Center 

The following information is not legal advice, and NAHB strongly encourages members to work with local counsel to establish a compliance protocol that suits their unique needs. To find an attor-ney in your area that specializes in immigration law, visit

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent arrives at your site on a hot, sunny afternoon. She has an audit notice, but pushes to speak with workers and review your files immediately. What do you do? What should your employees or the employees of your sub-contrctor do if you aren’t there?

SIGN UP to attend this Luncehon via ZOOM or IN-Person for factual information.

More NAHB members are facing this and other worksite enforcement scenarios as ICE has ramped up oversight of employers’ obligations to verify the validity of each employee’s identity and employment.

Immigration Reform is Key to Building a Skilled Workforce

Reforms to the immigration system are an important component in workforce development, because the immigrant workforce plays a critical role in meeting the nation’s housing needs. In fact, immigrants account for 31% of all workers in construction trades, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Read more at NAHB. 

Build Together! We’re a non-profit trade association serving the residential building industry and related professions in Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico.

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